'All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.' - John F. Kennedy
We all have talents. Some people are more talented than others, but each of us have talents unique to us.
Yet many of us don’t even know what talents we have. Bullies or jealous peers may have made comments putting us down. Well meaning (or not so well meaning) adults may have told us to “be realistic” and that what you’re dreaming is “impossible.”
Who decides what you can or cannot do? Who decides your abilities, your limits?
Who is right? Who is wrong? Can anyone see all of your potential?
Discard the beliefs that others have convinced you of. They do not know what you can and cannot do.
If you can dream it, you can do it. You won’t have a strong desire to do anything that you are not able to do. Everything you need to succeed is already within you.
Reach out and take old of your dream today. Decide to go for it. Go ahead, be all you can be.
Achieve Your Unlimited Potential And Create Boundless Possibilities